401k Specialist Issue 1, 2020 – Rob Portman

rob portman secure 401k


401(k) FIDUCIARY: Portman’s Push for a SECURE Retirement
401(k) plans are seeing plenty of positive changes thanks to the SECURE Act becoming law last December. But one of the key retirement reform architects, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, tells 401(k) Specialist it’s like a “down payment” with more changes to come.

401(k) PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: Merger Mania—How Long Will It Last?
Is it a ‘responsible’ market, are multiples out of whack and what factors are driving current consolidation demand?

The caring, creativity, passion and enthusiasm the monthly TAPOs display truly serve the best interest of their clients, while raising the bar for the industry as a whole. We’re honored to feature the first group of monthly honorees for 2020: Tom Brown of Blue Water Capital Management; Gerald Wernette of Rehmann Retirement Solutions; and Joe Brummel of Strategic Retirement Partners.

401(K) PRODUCTS: Health Savings Accounts: High Deductible, High Anxiety
An HSA can turbocharge your clients’ retirement savings, but investors may need some hand holding to get over the high deductible.

401(k) SPECIAL FOCUS: Target-Date DC Domination
Controversy still looms over how TDFs are used, and their proper role in the retirement portfolio. We take a look at what’s being done.


401(k) Advisor Voice
Advisor 2X’s Ross Marino talks with Pensionmark advisor Rick Wedge about how he maintains high professional standards while maintaining a solid work/life balance.

401(k) Client Connection
Why setting up a (free) Google Alert, you can learn about your digital footprint. It’s something 401(k) Marketing CMO Rebecca Hourihan says too many 401(k) advisors still fail to do.

401(k) Provider Perspective
Increasing access to workplace retirement plans is a key to solving the retirement insecurity problem. Terry Dunne with Millennium Trust Company says at least part of the solution may be found with payroll providers.

401(k) Street Smarts
Syndicated financial columnist, talk show host and popular platform speaker Steve Savant explains why there are two rules of thumb that must be integrated into our finances for a better retirement: elimination of debt and lifetime guaranteed income.

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