How Employers Can Ease Escalating Employee Financial Stress

employee financial stress, employers

Advisors can show employers how to lower worker financial stress, which has risen during COVID-19.

Lots of people are experiencing financial stress these days as a results of the COVID-19 crisis, but an even higher percentage are stressed if they are not currently saving for retirement, according to a survey released this week by Edelman Financial Engines.

The survey reveals close to half of American workers (47%) say they have “a lot” of financial stress, but those saving in a 401k are less likely than non-savers to report financial stress (44% vs. 57%).

Gen X and Baby Boomers report higher levels of financial well-being than Millennials, but large numbers of every age group and race are struggling, according to the survey. Among respondents, nonwhite workers are 2.6x more likely than white workers to describe themselves as poor.

The Santa Clara, Calif.-based independent financial planning and investment management firm surveyed 1,077 American workers the week of April 6, 2020 about their financial stress, economic concerns and use of financial advice. Nearly half of those surveyed reported relatively weak financial well-being across three different measures: level of financial stress, outlook, and ability to handle a mid-size financial shock.

“We are seeing high levels of financial stress among employees and it is impacting many aspects of their lives,” said Kelly O’Donnell, Executive Vice President at Edelman Financial Engines and head of the firm’s workplace business. The firm serves thousands of employers, including 137 of the Fortune 500, and says its financial advice is available to more than 10 million employees. “Companies that give workers better access to financial advice can help alleviate their employees’ financial stress, leading to increased productivity, lower turnover and reduced absenteeism.”

COVID-era worker concerns

Almost half (46%) of workers say they are “extremely” or “moderately” concerned about the stability of their household income. Among these workers, 85% are concerned about their own job, while 46% are concerned about their spouse’s income.

The survey also revealed that workers are “moderately” or “extremely” concerned about:

Only about two in five (44%) workers said they would be able to easily come up with $2,000 within 30 days for an emergency. About one in 10 (11%) would not be able to raise any emergency funds at all, while nearly a third (30%) would need to make sacrifices and 14% would have to do something drastic to raise the money.

One in three reported taking adverse financial actions, such as depleting their emergency savings or stopping contributions to their retirement accounts. Millennials were most likely to take such financial actions.

“Large numbers of American workers are suffering financially, and their plight is likely to linger even after the economy begins to recover,” O’Donnell said.

Many with high financial stress say it has had a detrimental effect on their work, including decreased productivity, loss of focus, and anxiety or tension in the workplace. Over a third of workers (37%) believe that they would benefit from receiving financial advice during this uncertain time. Non-savers (43%) and Millennials (47%) feel they would benefit the most from talking to a financial adviser.

Opportunities for employers

Indeed, the survey revealed many opportunities for employers to help improve their employees’ financial well-being, such as:

Without these programs and resources, workers may face prolonged and severe financial stress, resulting in decreased productivity, loss of focus, and anxiety or tension in the workplace. During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, one in five retirement plan savers said they changed their retirement savings behavior, whether by re-allocating, pausing contributions, or accessing retirement savings pre-retirement via loan or withdrawal.

Edelman Financial Engines says these actions are often triggered by emotions rather than an informed plan and can threaten a worker’s future retirement security.

“When individuals borrow or withdraw money from retirement accounts, it becomes less likely that they will achieve their retirement savings goals,” O’Donnell said. “Pausing contributions or making improper risk allocations can also harm them, especially after a market downturn. All these mistakes can reduce their ability to benefit from economic recovery.”

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