More Calls for Congress to Provide COVID-19-Related Retirement Plan Relief

COVID-19 Relief, Congress

Industry organizations sent a letter to Congress requesting relief for plan sponsors and participants due to COVID-19.

Hey Congress—a little help, please?

The National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) today called upon Congress to provide relief to retirement plan participants, retirees, and plan sponsors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic-fueled economic emergency.

NAGDCA, the association for plan administrators and services providers of government-sponsored defined contribution retirement plans, along with 24 organizations representing plan sponsors and service providers to retirement plans covering millions of public and private employees and retirees, sent a letter to the members of Congress March 20 urging them to provide much-needed tax relief to workers who may be unable to work.

“The National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators is committed to supporting the efforts of state and local government employers to enable the financial wellbeing of their employees. The economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic requires Congress to take action to provide plan participants and retirees the flexibility they need to weather this unprecedented public health and financial crisis,” said NAGDCA Executive Director Matt Petersen.

The letter to Congress includes the following recommendations helpful to government plan sponsors, participants, and retirees:

Streamline loan procedures and liberalize hardship distribution rules

Allow penalty-free qualified distributions and loan modifications for individuals impacted by COVID-19 similar to the relief provided in previous emergencies:

Waive required minimum distribution rules

Provide a temporary waiver of the rules for required minimum distribution from defined contribution plans and IRAs for the calendar year 2020; similar to the waiver included in the Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008.

“We are encouraged to see that the Senate Finance Republican’s proposal included these provisions and urge Congress to retain them as they negotiate a final package of legislation,” Petersen concluded.

Among the industry organizations signing the letter:

American Bankers Association

American Benefits Council

American Council of Life Insurers

American Retirement Association

Association for Advanced Life Underwriting

Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets

Defined Contribution Alternatives Association

Financial Services Institute

Insured Retirement Institute

Investment Adviser Association

Investment Company Institute

National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators

National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors

National Association of Professional Employer Organizations

Retirement Industry Trust Association

Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

SPARK Institute

Stable Value Investment Association

The ERISA Industry Committee


Retirement Plan Industry Calls for Coronavirus Relief

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