New Bill Means Major Increase in RMD Age

new bill

New Senate bill would have a big impact on 401k plans

Four-and-a-half years is pretty significant in your 70s, but that’s how much longer seniors could wait to take required minimum distributions under a new Senate bill proposed Tuesday.

In this year of hope for true progress in meaningful retirement savings reform, the latest effort was launched today by U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Ben Cardin (D-MD), who introduced the Retirement Security & Savings Act (S. 1431).

The new bill overlaps with some provisions in the Retirement Enhancement Savings Act (RESA) and the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019, introduced earlier this year.

One significant difference is the new bill would increase the age for RMDs from age 70.5 to 72 in 2023 and age 75 by 2030, while RESA only sought to raise the RMD to age 72.

In a May 14 statement, the Senators say the broad set of reforms are designed to strengthen Americans’ retirement security by addressing four major opportunities in the existing retirement system:

(1) allowing people who have saved too little to set more aside for their retirement;

(2) helping small businesses offer 401ks and other retirement plans;

(3) expanding access to retirement savings plans for low-income Americans without coverage; and

(4) providing more certainty and flexibility during Americans’ retirement years.

The measure includes more than 50 provisions to accomplish these objectives. A link to the bill text is here.

Here are some of the bill’s main highlights:

Allow people who have saved too little to set more aside for their retirement

Help small businesses offer 401ks and other retirement plans

Expand access to retirement savings plans for low-income Americans without coverage

Provide more certainty and flexibility during Americans’ retirement years

Seeking to solve “significant challenges”

The statement from Senators Cardin and Portman said that while real progress has been made in strengthening overall retirement savings since their first landmark legislation in 2001, significant challenges in the private sector retirement system remain.

Those include an aging Boomer population that has not saved enough for retirement, lack of access to employer-sponsored plans in smaller businesses, too many low-income Americans without retirement savings, and inadequate lifetime savings.

With regard to Boomers, a 2019 GAO report found that nearly half of all near retirees over age 55 have no retirement nest egg at all. For small business employees, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ National Compensation Survey shows that while 68% of private sector workers have access to an employer-sponsored plan, that number drops to 49% for individuals working for small businesses and 39% for part-time workers.

Actual participation rates in workplace plans lag even further behind, especially for those individuals in the bottom quartile of wage-earners. Among those lowest-paid workers, only about one in five earn retirement benefits, with just 22% of low-income workers participating in a retirement plan.

The final challenge is the lack of adequate lifetime savings as Americans are living longer post-retirement. This legislation seeks to address all of these issues through bipartisan, commonsense measures.

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH)

“This bill is an important new chapter in my bipartisan work with Senator Cardin to strengthen the private sector retirement system. Since our last comprehensive package became law in 2001, we’ve seen more Americans participate in 401ks and IRAs to save for their retirement but our savings rate still remains too low and there are far too many Americans with no retirement account at all,” Portman said. “This legislation includes sweeping reforms to help Americans save more for retirement by allowing people who have saved too little to set more aside for their retirement, helping small businesses offer 401ks and other retirement plans, expanding access to retirement savings plans for low-income Americans without coverage, and providing more certainty and flexibility during Americans’ retirement years. I look forward to working with Senator Cardin and my colleagues in the House and Senate to help strengthen the retirement security of all Americans.”

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD)

“Ensuring that families and workers can retire with dignity and stability is an ongoing, and strongly bipartisan, effort. There have been many recent efforts acknowledging this need, yet more work needs to be done to make sure families have the necessary tools to be successful in their retirement,” Cardin said. “I’m proud to work with Senator Portman again to propose a set of solutions that will help Americans save more, create more access to retirement plans, promote lifetime income solutions, strengthen the retirement system, and ensure Americans can achieve the post-work financial stability they desire.”

Bill has widespread industry support

T. Rowe Price was among those quick to voice support for the Retirement Security and Savings Act, releasing a statement from Head of Global Distribution Robert Higginbotham on May 14.

“We commend Senators Portman and Cardin for introducing a bipartisan bill that includes so many common-sense changes to current law that improve individuals’ ability to save for retirement. Among many other things, it encourages sponsors to adopt automatic contribution plans with higher contribution rates, simplifies disclosures, and allows individuals saving through large 403(b) plans to enjoy the same lower costs that participants in larger 401k plans enjoy through the use of collective trusts,” Higginbotham said. “For the benefit of the millions of Americans who save and invest for their retirement, we urge Congress to clear the way for the passage of this important bill.”

The bill is also supported by the American Benefits Council, AARP, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Insured Retirement Institute, Fidelity, Nationwide, Vanguard, BlackRock, Empower Retirement, TIAA, the Committee for Annuity Insurers, Transamerica, LPL Financial, Edward Jones, State Street Corporation, Paychex, Church Alliance, the Women’s Institute for Secure Retirement (WISER), the International Association of Firefighters, the American Council of Life Insurers, the ERISA Industry Committee, National Association of Fixed Annuities (NAFA), the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the National Association of Government Defined Contribution Plan Administrators (NAGDCA).

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