Panic Attack: Worker Financial Stress Costs Employers $500 Billion Annually

Panic attack, financial wellness

Half of employees are stressed out about money.

Another head-shaking survey making a case for employers to provide financial wellness programs for an all-too-big percentage of employees in productivity-sapping financial distress came out this week.

While it boggles the mind that anyone making $160,000 a year still lives paycheck-to-paycheck, those people are apparently out there (probably holding the latest iPhone), and four in 10 people making more than $100,000 per year are considered “financially unstable.” They’re stressed out about it, and that stress is hurting their employers, too.

In fact, American businesses are losing $500 billion per year due to employees’ personal financial stress, according to a new survey of more than 10,000 Americans by Salary Finance.

Nearly one in two U.S. employees are worried about money, leading to depression, panic attacks, sleepless nights and distractions at work; this lost productivity comprises 2.5% of the U.S. GDP.

Notable survey insights include:

“Historically, employers have viewed employees’ personal finances as none of their concern, but American companies can’t afford to continue to turn a blind eye to their employees’ financial wellness,” said Salary Finance CEO and co-founder,Asesh Sarkar. “The connection between financial and mental wellness can deteriorate if solutions are not readily made available to those struggling. Ignoring the impact of financial problems on workplace wellness will only continue to perpetuate this loop.”

This financial wellness survey comes on the heels of Salary Finance’s recent report about American households’ ability to take on financial stress and pay day-to-day bills following potential financial setbacks.

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