How Quickly Are 401k Plan Participation Rates Rising?

It's looking up for 401(k) participation and allocations.

It's looking up for 401(k) participation and allocations.

Good, but hoping for better.

A recent report form Wells Fargo found that 401k participation has increased by 19 percent during the last five years, with increases seen “across all demographic segments.”

Additionally (and not unexpected), the average 401(k) contribution rate and participant diversification have also improved during this time span.

The company, which dug deep into its own book of business for the study, noted plan defaults “can make a huge difference in whether a participant meets his/her goal for a better retirement. These defaults include automatic enrollment, automatic increase increments and the upper limit, and the plan’s default investment (i.e., QDIA).”

Among other findings:

“When plan sponsors pinpoint the areas that need to be addressed and take action based on potential results, the plan’s health is likely to improve and participants may be more likely to take important steps toward reaching the 80 percent income replacement goal,” the report concluded.

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