Why Reenrollment Makes Sense for Plan Sponsors and Employees

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Your best thinking; the broadest impact.

You help plan sponsors provide a thoughtfully designed defined contribution plan, with a carefully selected default option and matching contribution designed to encourage savings and help build retirement security.

You also provide education and other resources to help participants understand how much more they may have to do to enjoy a secure retirement.

But you wonder if you are reaching everybody. Or you’ve run analytics on participant data and discovered that a significant segment of a plan’s population is not on track for retirement readiness. Perhaps the plan sponsor is concerned that legacy populations have been left behind, potentially raising fiduciary concerns.

Reenrollment is a powerful (and surprisingly flexible) tool that can help you bring your best thinking and recommendations to the broadest number of participants, and can be tailored to meet a number of goals and resources. By creating a new baseline for savings and diversification, it can help plan sponsors more efficiently manage a heterogeneous workforce into retirement.

Every plan is different and every reenrollment will pursue its own objective. Through BlackRock’s extensive experience assisting plan sponsors on either full or partial reenrollments, we have five identified key reenrollment considerations.

Our new White Paper will take you through these key considerations and logistical questions about conducting a reenrollment that we’ve learned as a result of working with many plan sponsors grappling with similar issues.

In the White Paper, you will learn about topics like:

Click Here to download the white paper.

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