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401(k) Specialist Issue 2 - 2024
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2024 Issue 2 - Defending the 401(k)

Defending the 401(k)

How the workplace retirement industry is punching back at a surge of criticism


Our first case studies of 2024 focus on how Vestwell helped a California-based electrical contractor build a retirement plan that would differentiate it from competitors while closing the retirement savings gap; and how Northshire Consulting’s Brian Williams has carved out a niche in the local small plan market by becoming the benefits “point person” for his clients.

2BEST PRACTICES:Addressing the Racial Ethnicity Participation Gap: It’s More than Demographics

David Blanchett explores reasons behind the lower retirement plan participation rates of Black and Hispanic workers.

3PRODUCTS: How Younger Generations are Taking Advantage of HSAs

As in earlier solutions like auto features and target date funds, proactively providing innovations like retirement income show retirement plan decision makers are thinking ahead about what participants really need.

4REGULATION: The Future of Social Security with Biden or Trump

2024’s presidential candidates have expressed different takes on how to tackle the massive program’s looming budget shortfall.

401k Specialist Issue 1 - 2024

The 2024 Game Plan for In-Plan Annuities

Providers say working strategies now in place for guaranteed income solutions to start winning over meaningful numbers of 401(k) participants.

Bridging the Gap:
Staring down the retirement industry’s biggest challenge

The problem—and the opportunity—facing advisors staring down the retirement industry’s biggest challenge: Americans who lack access to 401(k) at work.

DC’s Fiduciary Pulse:
The crucial role independent ERISA attorneys play

To help them protect defined contribution retirement plans, independent ERISA attorneys keep a finger on the pulse of policy developments in Washington, D.C.