10 Tips for a Great Animated 401k Video

401k, retirement, marketing, video

And ...scene.

More and more savvy professionals are turning to video for quick snippets of information.

Whether it’s a who’s-who for a political election to a training video on Excel pivot tables to 401k fiduciary information, video is fast becoming another normal way to seek out answers to our questions.

If you’re a 401k or similar retirement plan advisor interested in creating an animated video for retirement plan committees or participants, here’ s a behind-the-scenes look at what it will take to create one.

1. Topic

You need to start with a frequently-asked question that your plan sponsors want answered such as, what is financial wellness? How can we stretch the match? What is Safe Harbor?

2. Research

Take a few moments to gather information about the topic whether it is a recent white paper, infographic or research report. This is important if you want to reference statistics or data trends within your video.

3. Script

For a one-minute video, aim for ten sentences. For a two-minute video…you guessed it, twenty sentences. That’s it. Keep the sentences short and to the point.

4. Compliance

Partner with your compliance department and submit the script. It’s best to gain script approval at this stage when changes are much easier. If you wait until the video is produced, even small modifications can be time-consuming and costly.

5. Voiceover

Decide whether you are going to narrate the video or hire a professional voiceover artist. For a variety of available talent, check out SoundCloud.

6. Animation

In our experience, most advisors are not moonlighting as graphic designers, illustrators and animators, but if you are, great! If not, then it’s time to hire an animation artist. Provide your choice with the script including voiceover. Then give them your creative vision.

7. Edits

Review your video. How does it look? How is the sound quality? Ask your animation artist to make any changes you feel are appropriate.

8. Compliance (again)

Wait, I thought we already did this? You did. But you need to show them your final production.

9. Edit

Work with your voiceover professional and animation artist to edit the video per your compliance department’s requirements.

10. Post

Yay! Post that video on the World Wide Web. Share it via social media and YouTube. Add it to your website. Promote it from the mountain tops.

Hope this was helpful and congratulations, you’ve created and posted your first animation video.

About 401k Marketing

Our clients are the best professional retirement plan advisors, TPAs, and industry partners in the business. They care deeply about saving America’s retirement future. We are proud to share their voices through industry writings, professionally-designed marketing materials (including websites), and expert content collateral. We lend support by promoting businesses through on-going awareness campaigns. 401k Marketing is based in San Diego, CA.

Check us out at www.401k-marketing.com.

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