3 Ways 401k Plan Sponsors Can Boost Participant Awareness 

National Financial Awareness Day

Image credit: © Steve Mann | Dreamstime.com

National Financial Awareness Day is August 14, 2022. 401k plan sponsors have been instrumental in increasing the financial awareness of millions of Americans by providing them with access to workplace retirement savings plans that materially enhance their prospects for a timely and comfortable retirement.

Despite their success, plan sponsors remain acutely aware of the need to promote greater financial awareness. Here are three steps 401k plan sponsors should consider for increasing financial awareness while producing results that can be easily quantified.

No. 1. Educate participants on the harm of cashing out

Plan sponsors make excellent use of behavioral dynamics in getting employees to participate, save and diversify. Unfortunately, these carefully cultivated behavioral virtues are fragile, and vulnerable participants can easily succumb to cashing out.  

Thomas Hawkins

This is especially true during job transitions. Whether an employee is newly hired or recently separated, they’re navigating a delicate period in their financial lives, where they’re much more likely to unnecessarily squander their retirement savings.  

Each year, at least 6 million job-changing participants – around 40% of the total – will cash out completely, representing $92.4 billion in lost savings, according to EBRI. While some cashout leakage is to be expected in our voluntary 401k system, only about one-third of those cashouts are due to an actual financial emergency, based on a 2015 Boston Research Technologies study. The demographic segments that suffer the most from cashout leakage include minorities, lower-income workers, and younger age cohorts, all cashing out at much higher levels vs. the broader population.

The good news is that a bit of education can go a long way in helping to stem cashout leakage. Making a cashout calculator available to participants can help them understand the high cost of cashing out, even for small balances.

No. 2. Facilitate consolidation of participants’ retirement savings

While education can go a long way in preserving retirement savings, assisting participants in consolidating their retirement savings takes savings preservation a step further. Many participants are unaware they can consolidate (“roll-in”) their retirement savings into their 401k plans. To make matters worse, it’s typically not easy for them to consolidate balances without assistance.

But larger, consolidated balances have been linked to more responsible behaviors. A 2017 analysis revealed that eight years following a job change, 79.3% of participants with balances over $15,000 had managed to preserve their retirement savings, while only 32.3% with sub-$15,000 balances had retained their savings.

Plan sponsors should consider taking the following steps to facilitate roll-in awareness and utilization:

Finally, if you haven’t already, take a hard look at auto portability, the new automatic plan feature that automates the consolidation of participants’ balances subject to automatic rollover provisions.

The good news for 401k plan sponsors is that they also stand to benefit from increased levels of consolidation, as plans with higher average balances tend to enjoy lower average plan costs, and their participants will experience the benefits of enhanced financial wellness.

No. 3. Keep participants linked to their plan balances

missing participant is one who has had their plan linkage broken and occurs because of inaccurate address information, participants becoming deceased, or, in some cases, participants who were never aware they had a plan balance to begin with.

Evidence of missing participants typically arises when routine mailings (ex. – SPDs, annual statements) are returned as undeliverable, required minimum distributions (RMDs) are not taken, or distribution checks go uncashed or are simply returned.

Fortunately, plan sponsors can be proactive and apply various participant search techniques to keep participants (or their beneficiaries) linked to and aware of their plan balances.  

Increased awareness that produces real results

Plan sponsors who follow these steps won’t simply produce more awareness in the minds of their participants. They’ll generate quantifiable results, coming in the form of decreased cashouts, higher levels of consolidation, and average plan balances, as well as a lower incidence of missing participants.  

Tom Hawkins is Senior Vice President, Marketing and Research with Retirement Clearinghouse, and oversees all key operational aspects of this area, including RCH’s web presence, digital marketing, and plan sponsor proposals. In other roles for RCH, Hawkins has performed product development, helped lead the company’s re-branding, evaluated and organized industry data, and makes significant contributions to RCH thought leadership positions.

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