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Your 401(k) News

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401(k) Specialist is your premier source for 401(k) news and retirement planning, especially for those navigating the complexities of 401(k) plans. It provides an unparalleled depth of knowledge through expert insights, focusing on regulations, investment strategies, and best practices. With comprehensive coverage on everything from regulatory changes to practical saving tips, it ensures advisors are well-informed on maximizing their clients’ retirement savings. 401(k) Specialist also highlights industry trends and innovations, offering actionable advice for optimizing contributions and investment choices. Furthermore, its educational resources facilitate continuous learning, making it an essential tool for both novices and seasoned professionals in 401(k) planning.

ERISA's Next 50 Years
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ERISA’s Next 50 Years

As defined contribution plans have taken over for defined benefit plans over the first 50 years of the landmark legislation, enabling increased access to 401(k)s, more personalization, better use of auto features and retirement income are among the key issues ERISA is expected to face looking forward.