401k Specialist Issue 4, 2019 – Dave Ramsey


401(K) BEST PRACTICES: Ramsey’s Rules
Bosses push, leaders pull, and fanatical integrity and consistency make great 401(k) firms. Financial Media Mogul Dave Ramsey explains the finer points of leadership.

401(K) FIDUCIARY: The Move Toward MEPs
Thanks to new guidance from the Department of Labor and potential retirement reform legislation, now is the time for 401(k) advisors focused on the small business market to prepare for a boom in the use of Multiple Employer Plans.

The caring, creativity, passion and enthusiasm the monthly TAPOs display truly serve the best interest of their clients, while raising the bar for the industry as a whole. They’re making an impact on the clients and communities they serve, and we’re honored to feature the final group of monthly honorees for 2019.

401(K) PRODUCTS: Does a ‘SECURE’ Retirement Include Annuities?
Plan sponsors have long shied away from including annuities in their 401(k) plans due to concerns over getting sued. If the SECURE Act and its safe harbor provision becomes law and removes that concern, annuity providers are poised to jump into the retirement plan market with both feet.

401(K) PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: Client Appreciation Events – Instant Relationship-Builders
Advisors who take the time to show clients how much they mean to them reap more than financial rewards.


401(k) Client Connection
Social media marketing, traditional, drip— what kind of marketing do you engage in, and how well (and how often) does it happen? 401(k) Marketing CMO Rebecca Hourihan offers up a 10-question quiz.

401(k) Provider Perspective
While 401(k) plan fiduciaries have diligently addressed fees, investment menus, and transparency, the regulatory ground shifted beneath their feet. Terry Dunne with Millennium Trust Company clues us in on four fiduciary threats to 401(k)s now.

401(k) Street Smarts
Syndicated financial columnist, talk show host and popular platform speaker Steve Savant argues the government is not a role model for financial stewardship. It operates like the old parental adage, “Do as I say not as I do.” He explains why.

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