Rebecca Hourihan
22 posts
Rebecca Hourihan is Chief Marketing Officer with San Diego-based 401(k) Marketing, a modern marketing agency for the retirement plan industry. The company supports clients through custom engagements, content marketing campaigns, sales material innovations, thought-leadership consulting, interactive workshops and speaking events. Its mission is to empower the retirement plan industry with high-quality marketing, ultimately inspiring Americans to become financially prepared for their future. Rebecca also hosts The 401(k) Marketing Podcast.
3 Ways to Increase Your 401(k) Referrals
It’s no secret—the retirement plan business is relationship-based. Most of us intuitively know this. However, what does the…
June 14, 2017
4 Tips to Differentiate Yourself and Win 401(k) Business
Ever wondered why sports teams where different colors? The answer is obvious – to differentiate. Think of how…
January 7, 2016