NAGDCA Offers Government DC Plans Guide

The National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators announced the availability of its new “Guide to Governmental Defined Contribution Plans.”

The new guide is designed to help trustees, board members, plan sponsors, and administrators understand the characteristics of and interplay between these various public sector DC plans. It contains a breakdown of public sector DC plans, links to NAGDCA resources, a list of FAQs, and a glossary of commonly used terms.

“A key NAGDCA focus is providing our members and others involved in the construction and management of public sector DC plan offerings with the tools they need to optimize retirement savings outcomes for state and local government employees,” said Matt Petersen, NAGDCA Executive Director. “As such, we’re pleased to offer this new guide, which updates and enhances NAGDCA’s “Intro to Public Sector DC Plans” introduced in 2020.”

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