Good News for Social Security Solvency

Social Security, retirement, regulation, 401k

A strong report this year.

The annual gnashing of the teeth and rending of hair over the supposed demise of Social Security benefits in the not-too-distant future won’t be quite so severe this year, thanks to the Board of Trustees’ announcement that Social Security’s combined trust funds have gained a year of full solvency.

The report also notes the disability fund has shown strong improvement, an increase in full solvency by 20 years over last year’s report, which is expected in a strong economy.

“The combined asset reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance (OASI and DI) Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2035, one year later than projected last year, with 80 percent of benefits payable at that time,” trustees write.

The OASI Trust Fund is projected to become depleted in 2034, the same as last year’s estimate, with 77 percent of benefits payable at that time. The DI Trust Fund is estimated to become depleted in 2052, extended 20 years from last year’s estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable.


“The Trustees recommend that lawmakers address the projected trust fund shortfalls in a timely way in order to phase in necessary changes gradually and give workers and beneficiaries time to adjust to them,” said Nancy A. Berryhill, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “The large change in the reserve depletion date for the DI Fund is mainly due to continuing favorable trends in the disability program. Disability applications have been declining since 2010, and the number of disabled-worker beneficiaries receiving payments has been falling since 2014.”

Report highlights

Other highlights of the report include:

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