How (and Why) to Stay Focused on What’s Important: Elite 401k Advisor Profile

401k, regulation, Elite advisor, best practices

Stay free of distraction.

Brevity is the soul of wit, and also a key to success for Sam Law with (aptly named) Sam law Financial.

Short, succinct, to the point—Law doesn’t mince words when discussing what he does and how he helps 401k plan sponsors and participants.

“When we are working with people and their 401k plan, for many it’s their only savings device,” Law soberly notes. “We sit in a very important spot in these people’s lives and we must always be aware of this.”

One differentiator is his direct message to HR directors: “I’m going to help you take care of your people.”

He’s also all about peak efficiency, limiting his practice to two record keepers which he fully leverages, something that has allowed him to accomplish more work with fewer people on staff.

So, what does he do right, what could he do better, and how does the rest and recharge in order to stay on top?

Law took time to describe it all.

What do you feel you do differently than the average advisor?

Participant meetings—one-on-one, face to face, twice a year, every year. We are high touch.

If you could start all over again, what would you do differently?

We would set our “target client,” which are family-owned businesses with less than 100 employees, earlier and discipline our focus towards that specific group.

Lessons Learned: What worked well and/or didn’t work well?

The power of a handwritten note is strong.

What software, apps, or tools do you use and how do they benefit you?

Of the apps our offices use daily, my go to is a to-do list app called “Things”.

What is your office environment and/or culture like?

Our offices are built with an eye toward quality, both in construction and amenities. Each city has a different feel depending on the neighborhood in which we’re located. Conversation is the central theme for all our offices.

What about your client events?

We have dinners for clients and their spouses during the year at good restaurants. We like good food and enjoy the fellowship that goes with eating together.

Where and how do you successfully network?

We work with COI where and when it makes sense. You have to be careful here in your approach.

How do you stay organized and focused?

We have individual and company calendars, but I set my own calendar. Many days things get changed from what was planned, because selling is a moving business.

In the last year or two, what books did you find the most helpful (professional or personal)?

I am a big fan of Nick Murray’s books and his newsletter.

The Game of Numbers is also really important for me and my thought process. I keep my highlighted copy in my briefcase for short reading times.

What is your health and wellness routine?

Exercise every day and try to be outside as often as possible.

How do you relax and recharge?

I have a few favorite places that I go to for recharging and thinking. Outside is key for my recharging.

What changes have occurred in your life that shaped who you are today?

We had a family business that I grew up in. When my father sold that business, I was able to use family experiences to better communicate with business owner prospects and clients.

Have you ever worked with a life or business coach?

Andrea Bullard was my coach for years and I highly recommend her to anyone considering a coach.

What leadership qualities and skill sets are essential for advisors?

The ability to really listen.

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