How Auto Portability Serves the Best Interest of 401k Participants

401k, retirement, auto portability, participants

You CAN take it with you.

Plan sponsors that are considering the adoption of auto portability must determine that, by participating in the auto portability program, they are acting prudently and solely in the interests of their plan’s participants and beneficiaries.

In a series of posts, I’ll identify five key reasons why an auto portability program serves the best interests of plan participants.

Part one examines the dramatically improved participant outcomes that will result from a program of auto portability.

The Alignment of Fiduciary Purpose with Participant Outcomes

A plan fiduciary’s exclusive purpose, as defined by the Department of Labor (DOL), is to provide benefits to participants and their beneficiaries, while acting solely in their best interests.  Therefore, actions that plan sponsors take to improve participant outcomes should closely align with this over-arching purpose.

To demonstrate how a program of auto portability could move the needle on participant outcomes, let’s examine how affected participants could be expected to fare under a program of auto portability, versus the status quo (no auto portability).

Auto Portability Versus the Status Quo

At a macro level, independent research conducted by the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) reveals that auto portability, by reducing cashout leakage, could broadly enhance America’s retirement security by:

Extending this analysis to participants requires comparing the individual behaviors of 401k participants under the status quo versus the same population’s behaviors under auto portability. The Auto Portability Simulation (APS) was created for this purpose, using discrete event simulation software capable of modeling millions of individual participant decisions, over a 40-year period.

In aggregate, the APS indicates that the “status quo” for small-balance participants is appalling:

With auto portability, the APS model predicts vast improvements in participant outcomes:

Under a program of auto portability, where the average job-changing participant’s balance is $1,679, a 25-year old participant whose former employer’s plan balance is automatically rolled-in to their next plan would have $16,021 in savings at retirement, yielding $19,680 in retirement income.

Additionally, if the millions of participant outcomes reflected in the APS are probability-weighted, under auto portability the weighted-average participant savings that are preserved for retirement are $10,796 under auto portability, versus only $2,000 under the status quo.

No matter how it’s measured, it’s clear that auto portability would significantly increase participants’ plan benefits that are available for retirement.

Table 1 – Weighted-Average Participant Results

Ongoing Monitoring of an Auto Portability Program

A fiduciary is required to exercise diligence in both the initial selection, as well as ongoing monitoring of the performance of an auto portability program.

To validate that an auto portability program is delivering improved outcomes, consider the following success metrics:

Acting in the Best Interest of Participants

By adopting an auto portability program, which stands to dramatically improve participant outcomes by increasing the odds that plan benefits will be preserved for retirement, a strong case can be made that a plan sponsor is acting prudently, in the interests of their participants and their beneficiaries, and serving their highest fiduciary purpose.

Tom Hawkins is Senior Vice President, Marketing and Research with Retirement Clearinghouse, and oversees all key operational aspects of this area, including RCH’s web presence, digital marketing and plan sponsor proposals. In other roles for RCH, Hawkins has performed product development, helped lead the company’s re-branding, evaluated and organized industry data and makes significant contributions to RCH thought leadership positions.

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