New 401k Content for Advisors on the Go

What's new in 401(k) plan sponsor and advisor tech?
What’s new in 401(k) plan sponsor and advisor tech?

If you have time to kill and are sick of seeing the Kardashians, the Plan Sponsor Council of America has suggestions for your reading pleasure.

PSCA announced its new mobile web app provides plan sponsors and the retirement plan community at large with “convenient access to information and resources related to qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.”

The PSCA Knowledge Center houses podcasts and content from PSCA and other industry associations and experts.

“The professionals in our tight-knit community are busy and on-the-go” Tony Verheyen, executive director of PSCA, said in a statement. “The PSCA Mobile Knowledge Center allows retirement plan professionals to conveniently tap into the minds of industry thought leaders, and to hear about trends and best practices wherever they are.”

The PSCA Knowledge Center is a free mobile web app and is immediately available on most devices at New content will be added regularly and features:

  • A sampling of audio podcasts covering administration, investments, compliance, education and communication, and financial wellness topics;
  • A sampling of articles from PSCA’s DC Insights quarterly publication, as well as articles from other association’s publications;
  • A sampling of the latest PSCA survey research;
  • Details about upcoming PSCA events;
  • Overview information about PSCA and PSCA membership; and
  • PSCA contact information.

“Plan Sponsors can’t always wait for the next white paper, conference, or webinar, and our members need to know what’s happening at PSCA,” Verheyen added. “The Mobile Knowledge Center gives everyone access to some of PSCA’s thought leadership and shows our members we are working hard for them.”

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