It’s Official: Investors Want Hillary

The markets like a Clinton victory.
The markets like a Clinton victory.

“Investors are now saying loudly and clearly: ‘We want Hillary Clinton to win, and we think she will.’”

That’s the latest from CNNMoney, which adds that nearly all the “market metrics” point to a Clinton victory.

The evidence, according to the network once derisively called Clinton News Network?

Investors are no longer buying gold as furiously as they were just weeks ago, which usually happens when they’re worried about the possibility of a Black Swan of similar outlier market event. The price has matched Donald Trump’s fall in the polls.

The biggest indication of just how much investor sentiment has shifted to Clinton comes from investor a new E*Trade survey.

Sixty percent of investors now say Clinton is the best candidate for the stock market, according to the poll of nearly 1,000 active investors. Trump only gets 40 percent.

The survey was conducted October 1 through October 10, well before the latest debate drama. A similar debate in the second quarter found only 28 percent of investors believed Clinton would be best for stocks, compared with Trump’s 25 percent, another indication of just how far his prospects have fallen.

“At this point, all the market metrics point to a Clinton win, except one,” according to CNNMoney.

Whenever Clinton has done better in the polls, the markets have generally trended up, because markets like certainty and they know what they are getting, Nuveen’s Bob Doll recently told 401(k) Specialist.

“When Donald was up in the polls, it introduced uncertainty, and they don’t know what they are getting,” Doll said. “Clearly, markets think Hillary will win. If she does win, people will wake up the next day and say hello and move on to more important things. If Trump wins, there will be a mild setback, as markets absorb what it really means going forward.”

John Sullivan
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With more than 20 years serving financial markets, John Sullivan is the former editor-in-chief of Investment Advisor magazine and retirement editor of Sullivan is also the former editor of Boomer Market Advisor and Bank Advisor magazines, and has a background in the insurance and investment industries in addition to his journalism roots.

  1. BS. I am in the business and anyone that would want that corrupt, lying person that will destroy the American way of life needs their head examined. Who would believe that Liberal CNN Money. What a laugh.

  2. Another attempt to scare and undermine the will of the American people to elect a TRUE American Patriot, Donald Trump. God help us all if Hillary is elected.

  3. This is a real joke. She has never created anything of value in her life. Now she is a Wall Street favorite. More propaganda to ruin our country. That’s like ObamaCare is a good thing.

  4. That is like saying Elizabeth Warren is good for the market. More regulation. Fat cats getting even fatter. She can’t tell the truth so no one knows where she stands on anything. At least with Mr. Trump you know where you stand. Make America Great Again.

  5. Nice try CNN. I am not sure I do know who Trump is, but I do Know Hellory.
    Socialists are never good for the market in the long run. Go back and listen to John Kennedy’s speech to America right before he dramatically
    lowered taxes which delivered a boom economically in America and and Reagan brought back Kennedy,s lower taxes and we experienced another great economy for several years. That is when I entered the investment business and our clients benefited greatly. Give Americans there tax money back and they will drive the economy. Name us all the Communist/Socialist countries where prosperity and freedom reign supreme or reign at all. After Reagan lowered taxes our tax revenues increased dramatically. Everybody wins with lower taxes as both a Democrat and Republican president proved to us.

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