What to Watch For With Target Date Funds

MFS senior managing director Ryan Mullen describes a major problem affecting plan participants.


This video is an interview titled “Ryan Mullen MFS Investment Management,” published on March 27, 2017. Ryan Mullen, a senior managing director at MFS Investments in Boston and 401(K) Specialist discuss the focuses on target date funds and the importance of long-term investment strategies, particularly for investors and advisors involved in Defined Contribution (DC) plans.

Key points covered in the video include:

  1. Long-term Investment Strategies: Ryan emphasizes the importance of avoiding short-termism and encourages investors to consider the long-term performance of their target date funds, especially those that haven’t been through a complete market cycle (e.g., pre- and post-global financial crisis).

  2. Risk Management: The conversation highlights the need for careful risk management, including understanding the diversification within fixed-income allocations and being cautious about the potential risks of over-reliance on passive investment strategies.

  3. Active vs. Passive Management: Ryan suggests that a balanced portfolio should include both active and passive management strategies, but cautions against leaning too heavily on passive strategies, which might introduce more risk than investors realize.

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