Browsing Tag
401(k) Advisors
325 posts
Why Dashboard Technology is Critical to Diversifying Employee Benefits
Commoditization, roll-ups, earnouts—all (metaphorical) death for “traditional advisors” in the 401k space who are not scaling their practices,…
September 29, 2020
Do 401(k) Advisors Add Value?
Smaller 401(k) plans benefit most from advisor assistance and input, while the resources that larger plans can afford…
September 23, 2020
Retirement Readiness at Risk for People of Color
Although they suggest feeling reasonably prepared for retirement, Americans who identify as people of color (POC) report limited…
September 9, 2020
Department of Labor Proposes ‘New’ Fiduciary Rule
The Department of Labor said Monday that it will propose a new fiduciary standard based on a temporary…
June 29, 2020
CFP Board to Strengthen Ethics, Conduct Enforcement
The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards said it will implement additional measures to strengthen the enforcement of…
June 26, 2020
During This Crisis, No One is Looking for a Fiduciary
During this crisis, if you’re still marketing yourself as a fiduciary, your retirement practice is in serious trouble.…
April 9, 2020
Fidelity Opens its HSA Platform to Advisors
Financial mega-firm Fidelity Investments has made what it claims is the industry’s “only full-service health savings account (HSA)”…
January 9, 2020
How ‘2019 Excel’ Excelled: Record Attendance, Real Strategies at 401k Event
Gaining knowledge is one thing, implementing it quite another. It’s the reason for a heavy emphasis on practical…
November 7, 2019
RIA ‘Wealth Transfer’ an Increasing Concern
Change is a’comin—we’ve heard it for years. The average age of financial advisors in the United States at…
November 5, 2019
RIA Workforce Getting Younger
The next generation of the RIA workforce has arrived, if the average age for advisors and lead advisors…
August 1, 2019