Browsing Tag
401(k) Advisors
325 posts
What are the ‘5 Ws’ of Retirement Planning? 2019 NAPA 401(k) Summit
A myopic focus on finances too often ignores the emotional preparation needed to successfully retire, and it’s a…
April 9, 2019
The NeverEnding Story—Reg BI and the Latest Fiduciary Folly
Progress on the fiduciary rule has often looked like two steps forward, one step back (or vice versa).…
April 5, 2019
Hillbilly to Harvard, Ignorance to Inspiration: 2019 Fi360 Conference
Author and historian Tara Westover delivered a subdued, yet powerful, presentation to attendees of Fi360’s annual conference in…
April 3, 2019
4 Leadership Qualities to Live By: Elite Advisor Profile
An incredibly strong work ethic—yet an equally disciplined work/life balance—makes Robert Scherzer an elite advisor after a relatively…
March 22, 2019
Women to Financial Advisors: ‘Do Better’
A third of women separated, divorced or widowed in the past five years feel patronized by financial advisors,…
March 18, 2019
How to Do 401k Advice Right: Elite Advisor Profile
One thing we can immediately say about Jim Robison—he’s thorough and thoughtful in what he does, specifically in…
March 8, 2019
401K Fiduciary Well-Being and the Importance of Trust
As a 401k specialist, you’re probably considering, or you’re already broadening, your services to extend well beyond traditional…
March 8, 2019
Benchmarks, Benartzi and a Broader Benefits Perspective: NAPA 401(k) Summit
It ain’t easy getting Jania Stout on the phone. For most professionals, running a multi-billion-dollar, top-rated retirement planning…
February 22, 2019
Financial Advisor Recruiting Ramps Up With Digital Launch
Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match with a well-qualified advisor seeking a “meaningful career transition.” FA Match—a digital…
February 10, 2019
Nerd Fight! 401k Advisor Brawl Heats Up in Homestretch
Whack the bell and wind the clock, it’s time to decide which upstart advisor will take the belt…
January 6, 2019