Browsing Tag
401(k) Contribution Limits
31 posts
New Bill Raises 401k Contribution Limits During COVID Crisis
The SECURE Act, CARES Act, and now the SAVERS Act? The top Republican on the House Financial Services…
April 27, 2020
Solo 401k Plans Expected to Surge as 2019 Draws to Close
Is the year-end rush on for the self-employed to start a solo 401k plan? One solo 401k plan…
December 18, 2019
IRS Bumps 2020 401k Contribution Limit to $19,500
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that employees in 401k plans will be able to contribute up to…
November 6, 2019
IRS Reveals 401k, IRA Contribution Limits For 2019
The Internal Revenue Service announced Thursday that it will raise contribution limits for employees who participate in 401k,…
November 2, 2018
Hatch Proposes ‘Mini-Rothification’ for 401ks, IRAs
It’s not over—not by a longshot. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, will propose eliminating the current pretax 401k catch-up…
November 13, 2017
Why Cutting Pre-Tax 401k Contributions May Be Good (Wait …What?)
President Trump had promised no change to 401ks and Republican lawmakers in the House appear to have agreed.…
November 2, 2017
Dems Dominate 401k Discussion with Alternate Plan Proposal
Senate Democrats seized on rumors of Republican retirement plan contribution cuts, proposing an alternative on Tuesday that would…
November 1, 2017
Retirement Plan Industry Frets Over Rumored Pre-Tax Contribution Cuts
Financial industry advocacy groups are worried over reports of major cuts to pre-tax retirement plan contribution limits, including…
October 20, 2017
IRS Releases 401k, IRA Contribution Limits For 2018
The 401k industry might be worried about potential contribution limit cuts in the tax reform package, but it hasn’t happened…
October 20, 2017
IRS Releases 401k, IRA Contribution Limits for 2017
The contribution limit for 401(k) plan participants will remain unchanged next year at $18,000, as will the limit…
October 27, 2016