Browsing Tag
401(k) Rollover
146 posts
How After-Tax Contributions Become Tax-Free Retirement Income
For many years, after-tax contributions to retirement plans were like the seventh batter on a professional baseball team.…
May 6, 2016
401(k) Rollovers: Still a $12 Trillion Deal?
Talk of a 401(k) rollover storm, tsunami, surge (whatever the metaphor) hits fever pitch and the federal government’s…
May 2, 2016
Top 10 Most Widely Used Fund Families for 401(k) Plan Participants
Whomever said advertising doesn’t pay is probably out of business. As with the Budweiser Clydesdales and wisecracking geckos,…
May 2, 2016
Who Do 401(k) Participants Look to for Financial Education? (Hint: Not Who You’d Think)
Important tip; don’t listen to drunk Uncle Joe when deciding on your (or your client’s) financial future. The…
May 1, 2016
Fiduciary Expert Reish’s Take on DOL ‘Duty to Monitor’
We don’t know if they’re gems, but they’re certainly hidden, and fiduciary giant Fred Reish is out to…
April 26, 2016
401(k) Rollovers Seriously Affected By Fiduciary Rule: WSJ
401(k) rollovers could slow to a trickle, one of the many consequences of the Department of Labor’s proposed…
March 29, 2016
401(k) Rollovers: What to do With Company Stock?
As plan participants have become more knowledgeable about the importance of asset allocation and diversification, the percent of…
March 24, 2016
Why IRA Rollovers Matter When a 401(k) Plan Terminates
There are circumstances—mergers, acquisitions, and bankruptcies, among others—that cause companies to reevaluate and, in some cases, terminate their…
March 1, 2016
Good News for Fiduciary and 401(k) Rollovers
Whoa—what’s this? A bit of good news on the 401(k) fiduciary front? For those advisors doing it right…
December 21, 2015
How to ‘Recycle’ a Participant’s Old 401(k)
First it was 401(k) auto-enrollment, then auto-escalation and now auto-portability. Necessity is the mother of invention—and it certainly…
December 17, 2015