Why the Future is Now Brighter for Small-Balance Retirement Accounts

Bright future for small-balance retirement plans

Image credit: © Adonis1969 | Dreamstime.com

While small-balance retirement savings accounts have fared poorly in the past, their future has never looked brighter. Real progress is being made in reducing their numbers while simultaneously preserving and consolidating their savings, vs. previous “solutions” that encouraged them to cash out or exiled them to dead-end safe harbor IRAs.

My optimism is based on large-scale, industry-led action on auto portability, and more recently, proactive steps being taken by leading providers to consolidate legacy small-balance IRAs, affording accountholders greater opportunity for a secure and timely retirement.

The Problem of Small-Balance Accounts

Missing participantsexcessive cashout leakageforgotten accounts and uncashed distribution checks are all sub-optimal participant outcomes closely linked with the proliferation of small-balance, inactive retirement savings accounts, which typically occur when short-tenured participants change jobs.

Each year, approximately 6 million defined contribution accountholders will change jobs with an account balance of less than $5,000. Of these:

In 2020, EBRI data suggested that there may be as many as 8.1 million legacy safe harbor IRAs, languishing in 100% money market funds.

Industry-Led Action

Through industry-led action, the small-balance account dynamic is about to change for the better.

In October 2022, the retirement industry took decisive action, coming together in common cause to form the Portability Services Network (PSN), a network of the largest defined contribution recordkeepers dedicated to accelerating the adoption of auto portability.

As of this writing, the PSN network’s recordkeeper members represent over 63% of the defined contribution market, including approximately 82 million workers across more than 185,000 employer-sponsored retirement plans, with the network expecting to become operational this year. When operations commence, auto portability will begin to match inactive, small-balance accounts with active, current-employer accounts and will automatically transfer those accounts to a current-employer plan.

The power of auto portability, when combined with the reach of the PSN network, will produce nothing short of a revolution for future, job-changing participants whose small-account balances are subject to their plan’s automatic rollover provisions. For these participants, the best choice—consolidation—will also become the default choice, leading to dramatic reductions in cashout leakage and increased retirement security.

Helping Forgotten Accountholders

But what of those 8.1 million accountholders whose balances still languish in legacy safe harbor IRAs?

There’s good news here as well.

In July, Vanguard announced a program to help small-balance IRA accountholders with lost or forgotten accounts. The program will help “reconnect IRA holders with retirement funds they may have lost or forgotten. The consolidation of these accounts, which are often left behind when employees change jobs, will help IRA holders preserve and maximize retirement assets.”

The recordkeeper noted that, “consolidating these funds can make it easier to keep track of retirement savings and tap the power of long-term investment returns, ultimately putting savers on their best path to investment success.”

A Brighter Future

In my view, these actions signal that the industry is not only committed to addressing small-balance retirement savings accounts on a go-forward basis via auto portability but is also pursuing solutions that deal with legacy issues created with the past use of traditional automatic rollover IRAs.

For small-balance retirement savings accounts, the future has never been brighter.


• With Eye on IRAs, Vanguard Expands Relationship with Retirement Clearinghouse

• Principal Becomes 6th Recordkeeper to Join Portability Services Network

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