401k Specialist Issue 3, 2018



401(K) PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: Knock It Off — Social Security Isn’t Going Away
Incorporating and optimizing Social Security in retirement planning is critical to 401(k) participant (and advisor) success. Gail Buckner’s frank talk and honest math tell us why. Here’s what the author, TV personality and retirement planning expert with Franklin Templeton had to say.

401(K) TOP ADVISORS BY PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES: An Incredibly Exciting Homestretch
The finalists are set, and we’re headed to Vegas for a bit of partying and a lot of information about what top advisors are doing so well in the area of successful 401(k) participant outcomes. As always, they’re innovative, inventive and doing right by the companies with whom they work.

401(K) ROLLOVERS: A Post-Rule Rollover Playbook for 401(k) Advisors
The 401(k)-rollover frenzy stalled in the middle of fiduciary uncertainty. Will it now return in the wake of the DOL rule’s demise? ERISA expert Jason Roberts clues us in on what advisors need to know to ensure compliance (and doing right by participants) moving forward.

401(K) CLIENT ACQUISITION: Referrals are Critical, But Where Do You Find Them?
A number of traditional methods can be effective, but our experts talk about techniques that make an impression in this fun and informative discussion.

401(K) INVESTMENTS: MEPs on the Move
Legislators love ‘em, sponsors want ‘em, so why should 401(k) advisors offer ‘em? Top MEP expert and advocate Pete Swisher runs through the pros and cons of the multiple employer plan design, and the opportunity they present for all involved.


401(k) Advisor Voice
A guy named Tony Powers has gotta be an elite advisor—his name just screams success, like Richie Rich or Todd Awesomeness. But it takes more than a moniker to achieve elite advisor status. Rekon Intelligence’s Ross Marino tells us how he did it.

401(k) Client Connection
Would you like to feel confident that your marketing efforts are constantly working for you to develop relationships, deepen your trusted reputation and create a sales pipeline? Who wouldn’t? 401(k) Marketing CMO Rebecca Hourihan explains how.

401(k) Provider Perspective
Tom Hawkins, vice president of sales and marketing with Retirement Clearinghouse, uncovers a critical missing piece in 401(k) retirement income, and how advisors can help.

401(k) The Close
Anyone can be sued for pretty much anything. All a plaintiff needs is a court index number, filing and a server for the complaint. We think that’s bad, and so does attorney Ary Rosenbaum. He tells us why.

Ashley Gonzalez
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Ashley Gonzalez is the director of digital media for 401(k) Specialist. She has 15 years of experience in the digital media industry, specifically B2B markets. Ashley specializes in digital marketing, electronic newsletters, social media and web development.
