7 Attributes of an Excellent DC Plan

401k, retirement, DC plans

Aim higher.

“How does our retirement plan compare to others?”

This is a common question when an organization evaluates key characteristics of its defined contribution plan. Plan sponsors and their advisors often benchmark their plans against industry averages to see how they measure up.

But, is that what they should strive for—being average—or should they aim higher?

Consider that a company with 1,000 DC plan participants spends $3 million annually on DC employer matching contributions. [i] That’s a big spend! It’s no surprise that plan sponsors often worry about how to get their employees to better appreciate the value of their DC plan.

Excellent DC plans are valued more by employees than average DC plans. And, in many industries, the competition for talent is fierce and excellent DC plans can make better workforce management tools than average DC plans. [ii]

American workers need DC plan excellence now more than ever. Today, a DC plan often serves as the primary source for retirement savings, but changing work habits can put a damper on savings. The gig economy is booming and a career is no longer a defined path; rather, it’s more of a jungle gym. Russell Investments has quantified the impact of frequent job changes and has found that it can result in significantly less retirement savings accumulation. [iii]

The DC market isn’t known for embracing rapid innovation, but you don’t have to in order to offer an excellent DC plan. Excellence is taking the extra step on what you’re likely already doing—small incremental changes that can yield big results.

Heightened fiduciary sensitivity to litigation and regulatory risk should not be a barrier to becoming an excellent DC plan. While there still is a need to periodically evaluate and benchmark the plan, these prudent actions need not lead to a retirement plan committee mindset of striving for average.

Here are the key attributes that excellent DC plans are implementing and the actions you can take to make sure your plan is positioned for excellence.

Attribute No. 1 – A retirement income mindset

Establish and measure the right objective

Attribute No. 2 – A thoughtfully designed plan menu

Reduce the number of complicated investment decisions for plan participants

Attribute No. 3 – Majority of plan assets in a professionally managed asset allocation solution

Take advantage of participant inertia

Attribute No. 4 – Double-digit contribution rates

Give participants the best chance of success

Attribute No. 5 – Encourage retiring/terminating employees to keep their money in the plan

A win/win for the sponsor and the participant

Attribute No. 6 – Provide post-retirement options

Help your participants spend appropriately in retirement

Attribute No. 7 – Integrated financial wellness

Focus on changing behavior

We strive for excellence in every aspect of our lives. Excellent DC plans do not happen by accident; it takes a process starting with the end in mind, as well as the fortitude and persistence to achieve excellence. We have laid out several steps you can take this year to help move your plan from average to excellent.

[i] Vanguard How America Saves 2018. Based on median participant income of $67,000 and median employer match of 4.2 percent. Not inclusive of reduction in tax liability.
[ii] Deloitte Defined Contribution Benchmarking Survey 2017.
[iii] The effect of job changes every four years could lead to a final accumulation at retirement that is more than 40% less than a full-career employee assuming typical defaults of employer of match 50 cents for each dollar contributed by the participant up to 6 percent and automatic contribution escalation of 1 percent per year up to a 10 percent cap.
[iv] “What’s the right savings rate?” Russell Investments research, updated August 2016.

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