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Cerulli Associates
141 posts
Major Snag With Trump’s Roth 401k Proposal?
The Trump Administration might need to ramp up its Roth education if it hopes to successfully sell its…
September 6, 2017
Record U.S. ETF Assets Spotlight Low Retirement Plan Adoption
The low-fee fund movement is unquestionably driving exchange-traded fund adoption, but when (if ever) will it hit 401ks?…
August 28, 2017
Major ‘Misalignment’ Found in Use of Strategic Beta
Major misalignments exist in the use of strategic, or smart, beta. Providers are positioning it as an alternative…
July 25, 2017
The Fiduciary Rule’s Effect on Fund Management Outsourcing
Another effect of the fiduciary rule? A rhetorical question if there ever was one. New research from global research…
July 6, 2017
401k Participants Want Investment Protection Over Growth
But will it get them to the needed amount of retirement income? New research from Boston-based research and…
June 28, 2017
Why June 401(k) Fiduciary Date Doesn’t Matter
Fi360 president Matt Wolniewicz likes what he sees with product provider prep for the fiduciary rule’s expected implementation.…
June 6, 2017
2 Top 401(k) Trends to Watch in 2017
The latest research from global research and consulting firm Cerulli Associates finds that evolving qualified default investment alternatives (QDIA) structures…
March 15, 2017
401k Fees (Slowly) Resonating With Public
Industry attention is all over 401k fees — and fiduciary — but what about the general public? Despite recent…
February 6, 2017
Will Mutual Funds Rebound in a Low-Fee 401(k) Regulatory Environment?
It’s over for mutual funds—finished, done. Well, not quite, but nearly half of advisors surveyed plan to increase…
January 29, 2017
How Many Financial Advisors Are Female?
Female advisors, 401k and otherwise, still represent only a small fraction of the overall industry, according to new…
January 12, 2017