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Thomas Hawkins
23 posts
4 Retirement Initiatives Vital to Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Tom Hawkins says retirement plan sponsors can move the needle by supporting these key retirement initiatives
January 18, 2024
4 Key Findings from the New Auto Portability Simulation
RCH has made available the results from a new version of their APS, which models the adoption of auto portability within America’s DC system over a 40-year period
December 26, 2023
Auto Portability: It’s All About the Participants
Tom Hawkins explains how auto portability expressly addresses the needs of small-balance retirement savers who frequently change jobs
December 11, 2023
No One is Coming to Save You From Missing Participants
Tom Hawkins has a lesson for plan sponsors who must confront the scary problem of missing participants
October 24, 2023
Focus Shifts to Plan Sponsors as Portability Network Set to Go Live
As operations begin in October, plan sponsors will take center stage as they begin to adopt auto portability and witness its tangible results
September 6, 2023
Why the Future is Now Brighter for Small-Balance Retirement Accounts
Tom Hawkins explains two key developments that dramatically improve the outlook for retirement accounts with small balances
August 11, 2023
The 401(k) ‘House-Cleaning’ to Come
Tom Hawkins explains why SECURE 2.0’s bump of the automatic rollover threshold from $5,000 to $7,000 is a big win for participants and plan sponsors alike
July 3, 2023
5 Tips for Documenting Missing Participant Searches
Tom Hawkins provides prudent guidance to help plan sponsors better document their missing participant search efforts
June 15, 2023
Cashout Leakage Alert: Highway Through the ‘Danger Zone’
New research reveals a 401(k) cashout leakage “danger zone” for participants in their 30s
May 4, 2023
A Renaissance for Auto Enrollment
Thanks to two recent developments, Tom Hawkins says auto enrollment is poised to enter its final phase of growth
March 15, 2023