Top Retirement Plan Advisors Gathering in Chicago Next Week

8th annual Retirement Plan Advisor Summit Central tackling key industry challenges that will shape the future
RPA Summit Central Chicago
Chicago, site of the Retirement Plan Advisor Summit Central March 25-26. Image credit: © Jlindsay |

The 8th annual Retirement Plan Advisor Summit Central will run next Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago, bringing together C-suite and senior leaders from the top plan advisors across the nation focused on improving retirement for all.

The event, part of the Retirement Plan Advisor Institute, will bring together America’s leading retirement plan advisors to discuss key industry challenges, share success stories, and shape the future of the RPA industry—beyond just retirement. The event at the Four Seasons Chicago offers attendees pioneering insights, competitive intelligence, commercial exposure, capital placement opportunities, and a private community for professional growth.

Retirement Plan Advisor Summit
Image courtesy of Retirement Plan Advisor Summit

“We have found a unique sweet spot in terms of the size and caliber of the attending advisors and industry professionals, who jointly provide the latest and most relevant thought leadership when it comes to driving retirement readiness for participants and the overall health and future of the advisory industry,” said Cynthia Huynh, Executive Director, Head of Investor Relations Wealth Management at conference organizer Institutional Investor.

Nicole Corning, Managing Partner, Pathlight Advisors, and Philip Chao, Chief Investment Officer & Principal, Experiential Wealth, are co-conference chairs, who will also be speaking at the event.

One of the kickoff sessions of the conference on Tuesday deals with whether plan advisors are ready for the convergence of retirement, wealth, health and more. Intellicents CEO Brad Arends will moderate a panel including Kristen Donovan, Director, Retirement Services at Focus Partners; Francesca Federico, Co-Founder and President, Twelve Points; Michael Ready, Retirement Plan Consultant, Summit Financial Group; and Barbara Delaney, Principal, StoneStreet Benefit Advisors.

Among the other Tuesday agenda highlights is a session titled, “The Great Debate: Target-Date Funds vs. Managed Accounts vs. Something New vs. Something In Between,” moderated by Brendan McCarthy, Head of Retirement Investing, Nuveen. Panelists include Jennifer Doss, DC Practice Leader at Captrust, Loukas Stephens, VP Defined Contribution at Fisher Investments, and Todd Stewart, Managing Director, Investment Research at SageView Advisory.

Closing out the first day sessions will be the inaugural “RPAI Family Feud,” which will see how well contestants know the retirement industry and their fellow advisors.

Wednesday’s main stage sessions start with a panel discussion titled, “Culture as a Competitive Advantage,” which will be moderated by Philip Stewart, Managing Director—Defined Contribution at MFS Asset Management. Panelists include Finspire CEO Chuck Williams; Kyle Nelson from intellicents; Lisa Drake of SageView Advisory; and Molly Beer, National Practice Leader, Retirement DC at Gallagher.

Another highlight session explores the other side of the great consolidation: How should advisors juggle relationships with fewer and bigger recordkeepers and providers? Finspire’s Williams will moderate a panel featuring Wendy Eldridge of Carnegie Investment Counsel, Woodruff Sawyer’s Kristina Keck, and Shelly Horwitz of World Investment Advisors.

Click here for more information about the 8th annual Retirement Plan Advisor Summit Central.

Top advisors will gather again later this year for the Retirement Plan Advisor Summit West, set for Sept 16-17 in Newport Beach, Calif.


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Brian Anderson Editor
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Veteran financial services industry journalist Brian Anderson joined 401(k) Specialist as Managing Editor in January 2019. He has led editorial content for a variety of well-known properties including Insurance Forums, Life Insurance Selling, National Underwriter Life & Health, and Senior Market Advisor. He has always maintained a focus on providing readers with timely, useful information intended to help them build their business.

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