What Baby Boomers Need to Know About Target Date Funds, and Why

Baby Boomer TDF risks

Images and graphics courtesy of Ron Surz.

I just attended a webcast entitled, “Target Date Funds Continue to Evolve,” and was surprised and perplexed that “experts” continue to talk about things that simply don’t matter, and that haven’t evolved at all, but their evolution doesn’t matter because those things don’t matter.

What surprises and perplexes me even more is the Government Accountability Office TDF study that says absolutely nothing that matters. The most disappointing thing about this study is that the authors did not report on risk, as they were supposed to do.

In the following, I discuss what I think matters, and hope you agree.

Why Baby Boomers

I’ve singled out Baby Boomers for this article for the following reasons:

Let’s start with what matters and why, and then discuss what doesn’t matter even though it is what is commonly discussed.

What matters most

More than 100,000 people have recently read my TDF articles that warn about excessive risk at the target date. Most Baby Boomers are near retirement, so they’re near their TDF’s target date. As shown in the following, Baby Boomers in TDFs are taking very high risk, much higher than they think they’re taking. 

As you can see, the main TDF providers are very risky, but a few are safe. Importantly, most TDFs say they follow academic lifetime investment theory, but they don’t – except the few safe TDFs. The theory is very safe at the target date. The TDF industry is not safe.

Excessive risk is the most important TDF characteristic that Baby Boomers need to be aware of. And now that they know, they need to get out, before the next stock market crash.

There are a few things that matter a little, in addition to excessive risk.

Things that matter somewhat

Things that just don’t matter, but are discussed a lot


At $4 trillion and growing, TDFs are very important, but they are evolving very slowly. If improvements are ever going to matter to Baby Boomers, we need to focus on what matters and make that as good as it can be. The existence of an oligopoly makes this a challenge, but we shouldn’t give up. I haven’t.

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