Celebrate Compliant Times, Come On: It’s National Fiduciary Day!

fiduciary, training
It’s a big day for fiduciary training.

It’s like Christmas coming early! Less than a year after National Fiduciary Day last March 22, today – Feb. 28 – marks 2019’s official National Fiduciary Day.

Sponsoring organization Fi360 is celebrating National Fiduciary Day by hosting live Accredited Investment Fiduciary Training today in Boston, Dallas and Los Angeles for its AIF designation. Fi360 is also celebrating the day with its more than 10,000 current designees across the country and on social media (#NationalFiduciaryDay).

Fi360, an authority on all things fiduciary, closely monitors all trends in the space that influence financial professionals’ fiduciary knowledge and remains dedicated to providing tools and resources needed to meet the requirements of acting as a fiduciary.

“In addition to providing an opportunity for interested professionals to receive training and sit for the Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF) exam, National Fiduciary Day is meant to bring awareness of the 50,000 plus professionals Fi360 has trained on fiduciary practices; across our designation and certificate programs,” says John Faustino, chief strategy officer at Fi360.

Those participating in National Fiduciary Day, part of “America Saves Week” Feb. 25-March 4, receive the same benefits as all AIF designees, Faustino says. “Historically, many financial professionals sought out our fiduciary trainings to mitigate fiduciary liability. More recently, we’re seeing financial advisors and plan consultants leverage the AIF as a business development tool, differentiating themselves from non-fiduciary advisors,” he says. “We’re unique in that our fiduciary designation applies to those work with retirement, wealth, and foundation/endowment clients (as opposed to just retirement); giving advisors a tool they can use across client-types.”

More big dates on the calendar are quickly approaching for Fi360, which is hosting the 2019 Fi360 Conference April 3-5 in Nashville, Tenn. The event will bring together hundreds of financial professionals to discuss the latest trends in the retirement space with fresh topics like 403(b)/457(b) plans, special needs planning, managing Millennial clients, navigating tax reform and more.

The conference provides an opportunity to earn CE credit that can be applied to many different industry credentials including the AIF, AIFA, PPC, CFP, CIMA, CFA and more. Attendees will be able to complete their yearly CE requirements for their Fi360 designations and earn over 10 hours of CE for other industry credentials at the event.

Brian Anderson Editor
Editor-in-Chief at  | banderson@401kspecialist.com |  + posts

Veteran financial services industry journalist Brian Anderson joined 401(k) Specialist as Managing Editor in January 2019. He has led editorial content for a variety of well-known properties including Insurance Forums, Life Insurance Selling, National Underwriter Life & Health, and Senior Market Advisor. He has always maintained a focus on providing readers with timely, useful information intended to help them build their business.

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